Fixing Line Editing on Android 8.0+

Recently I’ve been working on a toy that launches an REPL in adb shell, which would be more comfortable to use if it has the line editing functionality similar to bash. After some research, I found that actually there are a number of line editing libraries available, so it should be a nice and easy addition. However, after some integration work, I was surprised to find that all these libraries (e.g. jline3, linenoise (which was also once imported into AOSP)) only worked on older versions of Android, that is, until Android 8.0.


为 Android 项目使用 Travis CI 并发布持续集成版本


Travis CI 是 GitHub 上开源项目采用持续集成的常见选择。为了给豆芽提供持续集成版本用于公开测试,我配置了 Travis CI,并自己编写了脚本将构建结果发布到另一个空项目的 Release 中,并将其间的过程和遇到的问题记录于此。

Travis CI 构建 Android 项目的时间较长,因此调试配置时十分耗时。希望我的经验能对他人有所帮助。


Thoughts on Content Handling in Android Application


For content-oriented Android application, how and where to store the content to display is a issue every developer will be concerned with. The Android framework provided a comprehensive solution with ContentProvider (and a lot more) which suits quite well with a SQLite database; but in a lot of other scenarios, the app only need to have some information cached, while the majority of content is directly retrieved from network, thus eliminating the need for a database (and a complicated content scheme).

But when we look into the core of this issue, we will soon find out that it is in fact a problem of whether to have a central storage, and how to notify different components about a change.


LinearLayout 的拖放操作和动画


Android 中ListView的拖放操作和动画实现已经被这个 DevByte相关的样例说明,并且也有 ListViewAnimations 这样强大的开源库进行了集成。但是,一番 Google 后,我发现基于LinearLayout的相关实现却不多。




Android 设计简明教程


这是我作为一名 Android 开发者对 Android 设计的理解。在这个教程中,我主要参考官方的设计教程,同时会加入一些自己的见解,并穿插一些实用资源。其中 NovaDNG 的几篇文章对我影响较大,对此十分感谢。

在今年,Google 已经推出了新的 Material 设计规范,对真实世界进行抽象的模拟,实现了在各个平台上的统一设计标准。我对这个标准的理念认同,然而在布局等细节上有些许分歧。诸位可以学习完 Android 设计后继续学习 Material 设计,作出自己的判断。本文写作于 2014 年,而今 Material Design 已趋于成熟并且被广泛应用,因此推荐读者转而阅读 Material Design 设计规范。
